Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

Longing Musings

Nothing is more touching than the meeting
Where all begged and prayer are directed
To the God who really understanding

Where the tears flowing and the sobs bursting
The longing and compassion are harmonized
Nothing is more touching than the meeting

Nothing is more oppressing than worrying
When the nonsense-mortality pursued
But all were like hollows, emptiness feeling

My soul is fragile, while my heart still pinning
Remembering the sins, make me ashamed
Nothing is more touching than the meeting

Oh God, Your love is an important thing
After I looked for, loitered, and searched
Want to sense devout is ingratiating

So, for the contemptible and insulting
Please, forgive all the words that I said 
Because—I’m sure—this heart is still achieving
Your paradise, the most gracious ending

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